Diving in the Red Sea - the Northern Route

In September 2021, I embarked on my first week-long liveaboard trip. A liveaboard is like a sea safari for scuba divers. We dove 4 times a day for an entire week, at sunrise, before lunch, in the afternoon, and just after sunset.

Diving in the Red Sea - the Northern Route
Looking at the Sinaï desert in between dives.

In September 2021, I embarked on my first week-long liveaboard trip. A liveaboard is like a sea safari for scuba divers. We boarded the boat on a Sunday morning and slept after a red-eye flight. I was traveling with 20 other people from Barcelona. I didn't know them but it did not matter. We were about to share the kind of experience that bond people. We dove 4 times a day for an entire week, at sunrise, before lunch, in the afternoon, and just after sunset.

I could write a long wordy post telling you about the diving, how good was the visibility, the quality of the reef, the warmth of the water, the fishes and corals and turtles, how we hung out with dolphins, and how we saw the elusive whale shark. But a video in this case is worth a thousand words, and I finally found the will to edit and color-grade all my footage, to share with you.

So I present to you, my very first liveaboard, some of my most cherished memories. I recommend you watch it in 4K: